Heirloom Health Calgary

Experience the Legacy of Health and Wellness

Comprehensive & Personalized Care

At Heirloom Health we focus on putting your health first.

With chiropractic, massage therapy and assisted stretching being our specialties, it's only a matter of time before your functionality, vitality and overall quality of life drastically improves.

Conveniently located on MacLeod Trail and Heritage Drive, our clinic provides easy ground level parking and access to the Heritage train station. With nearly 30 years of experience, our team works together to help you relieve pain, recover from injury and educate you on how to prevent future injury through stretching, targeted strengthening, proper ergonomics and posture.

At Heirloom Health, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality care in a warm and welcoming environment. Our goal is to help you achieve optimal health and wellness so that you can live your best life.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

Heirloom Health Calgary

Our Services

Chiropractic Services Calgary


Our experienced chiropractor uses safe, gentle techniques to help correct spinal misalignments and alleviate pain. We believe in a whole-body approach to health, and our chiropractic care services can help you achieve optimal health by improving spinal alignment, reducing inflammation, and enhancing nerve function.

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Massage Therapy Calgary

Massage Therapy

Our licensed massage therapists offers a range of massage therapy techniques to help you relax, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being. From myofascial massage to deep tissue massage, our therapists will customize your massage to meet your specific needs and preferences.

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Assisted Stretching Calgary

Assisted Stretching

At Heirloom Health believe that assisted stretching is a powerful tool for improving your flexibility, mobility, and overall physical performance. Our certified stretch practitioners will work with you to create a personalized stretching plan based on your specific goals and needs.

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